2-15) Example Web Service Call (GetChargeQuote)

2-15) Example Web Service Call (GetChargeQuote)

GetChargeQuote requires you to provide some basic consignment information in order to identify a correct quote.

*Learn how to chain this call in Creating Chained Requests


All calls that return quoting information require a valid Australian address. Please consult the Australia Post Website to confirm your suburb information if returning a failed response.


In this instance I am making a call to GetChargeQuote in my uat environment through postman, Things I need to perform this call:

  1. My Session Credentials form my previous Login Call
    1. Note Session Credentials will expire If
      1. You Have generated a new "Key"
      2. You Have Passed the Expiry Date of the Session
      3. The User has been Deleted/made inactive
  2. Your package/quote information

Endpoint: https://bau-uat-ws.azurewebsites.net/Data/ChainIT/DataService.svc



Web Service Call
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:cha="http://www.opensys.com.au/ChainIT/4.0/ChainITDataServices">

  <!-- Session Credentials Available By following the "Login Web Service Call" 

		 <!--This value will be the same as the Account ID for Customers:-->
         <!--Optional:Estimated Travel Time. Recommended not to be used as inaccuracies in time calculation greatly vary quote results.-->
			 1 = Yes
			 0 = No 
         <!--Optional: Estimated Distance between sender and receiver locations. Recommended not to be used as inaccuracies in route taken greatly vary quote results. -->
			 1 = Yes
			 0 = No 
        <!-- <cha:serviceList></cha:serviceList> Optional: Only use if you wish to filter different services -->
		 <!--Optional: Concatenated string of active services for the current Session. Found by called GetStandardServices function. -->

Successful Web Service Call Response
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
      <GetChargeQuoteResponse xmlns="http://www.opensys.com.au/ChainIT/4.0/ChainITDataServices">
         <GetChargeQuoteResult xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
               <CarrierName>TOLL IPEC PTY LTD</CarrierName>
               <ServiceName>IPEC Local</ServiceName>
               <WebDescription>Toll Ipec Local</WebDescription>
               <CarrierName>TOLL IPEC PTY LTD</CarrierName>
               <ServiceName>IPEC Road Express</ServiceName>
               <WebDescription>Toll Ipec Road Express</WebDescription>
               <CarrierName>Hi-Trans Express Pty Ltd</CarrierName>
               <ServiceName>Hi Trans General Service</ServiceName>
               <WebDescription>Hi-Trans General</WebDescription>
               <CarrierName>Hi-Trans Express Pty Ltd</CarrierName>
               <ServiceName>Hi-Trans Express Service</ServiceName>
               <WebDescription>Hi Trans Express</WebDescription>
               <CarrierName>TOLL IPEC PTY LTD</CarrierName>
               <ServiceName>IPEC Priority</ServiceName>
               <WebDescription>Toll Ipec Priority</WebDescription>

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.