Order Lookup requires implementation from the solutions team to enable/customize the app functionality. Below are the steps to install the file collection service on a local device/server. 


The Message Transformer Windows Service is the client service that will run on the customer premise/infrastructure to read the files and load them into our middle-ware for review & transformation. It is best to install this service in on a device that will have access to these files.

Before proceeding with the below procedure please ensure you have met the Order Lookup - Technical Requirements

Installation Procedure

  1. Access the Directory of your "Order Files" & provide to your EFM Contact
    1. e.g. C:\Users\My_Name\Documents\Oneflo\Order_lookup\

      You will configure where the files are placed however. EFM configures the service to collect these files.

      • It is up to you where the files are placed but this location needs to be communicated with EFM.

  2. Download MT.Transformer.Installer.msi 
    1. Ensure this is on a machine or Server that is always running. 
    2. Prepare your Windows Service User (or a user whose password WILL NOT EXPIRE)
    4. Ensure you are running the latest version of  Microsoft .NET

  3. Run the Installation File
    1. Next

  4. Select Directory for Installation
    1. Ensure this is on a machine or Server that is always running 
    2. Next
    3. Next

  5. Message Transmitter Credentials. This step will ask you for the Client Id and Token provided to you by efm.
    1. ClientID: <client_id>
    2. Client Token: <client_token>
    3. Next
    4. Close

  6. Access the directory of your files to confirm they have been migrated to the "Archive Folder"
    1. Once installed, this windows service will show up in the Services console under the name Message Transformer and is started automatically.

Only Required If Directory Already contains Order Files

  1. Create a Sub-folder titled "Archive"
    1. e.g. C:\Users\My_Name\Documents\Oneflo\Order_lookup\Archive\
      1. Please move any files created prior to today's date to archive\