Web Service Call - GetChargeQuote3

Web Service Call - GetChargeQuote3


This Web Service Call allows a third party application to retrieve a list of services and their associated estimated charges based on the parameters provided such as:

  1. Sending Location
  2. Receiving Location
  3. Dimensions of the freight to be quoted

This service only provides estimated charges (which may include fees) but the final invoice amount will be determined once the freight has successfully traveled. 

GetChargeQuote3 returns the exact same information as GetQuote. This example includes a Country Code and consignment relevant information that may help provide a more accurate quote.

*Learn how to chain this call in Creating Chained Requests


All calls that return quoting information require a valid Australian address. Please consult the Australia Post Website to confirm your suburb information if returning a failed response.


In this instance I am making a call to GetChargeQuote in my uat environment through postman, Things I need to perform this call:

  1. My Session Credentials form my previous Login Call
    1. Note Session Credentials will expire If
      1. You Have generated a new "Key"
      2. You Have Passed the Expiry Date of the Session
      3. The User has been Deleted/made inactive
  2. Your package/quote information

Endpoint: https://uat-thirdpartywcf.flipgroup.com.au/DataService.svc

This is not the production endpoint. The production endpoint will be provided once all requests have been validated to work correctly.



Web Service Call
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns="http://www.opensys.com.au/ChainIT/4.0/ChainITDataServices">

  <!-- Session Credentials Available By following the "Login Web Service Call" 
         <!--Mandatory:Flags for whether the address is residential. Used to pre-empt residential pick up fees.-->
             1 = Yes
             0 = No
         <receiverAddress1>123 Test</receiverAddress1>
         <!--Mandatory:Flags for whether the address is residential. Used to pre-empt residential delivery fees.-->
             1 = Yes
             0 = No
         <!--Optional:Estimated Travel Time. Recommended not to be used as inaccuracies in time calculation greatly vary quote results.-->
             1 = Yes
             0 = No
          <!--Optional: Estimated Distance between sender and receiver locations. Recommended not to be used as inaccuracies in route taken greatly vary quote results. -->
             1 = Yes
             0 = No
         <!-- <serviceList></serviceList> Optional: Only use if you wish to filter different services -->
         <!--Optional: Concatenated string of active services for the current Session. Found by called GetStandardServices function. -->
          <!--Mandatory:Flags whether shipping items contain dangerous goods. Required for compliance and dangerous goods handling fee calculations.-->
             1 = Yes
             0 = No

Successful Web Service Call Response
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
        <GetChargeQuote3Response xmlns="http://www.opensys.com.au/ChainIT/4.0/ChainITDataServices">
            <GetChargeQuote3Result xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
                    <CarrierName>StarTrack Express</CarrierName>
                    <ServiceName>StarTrack Road Express</ServiceName>
                    <WebDescription>Startrack Road Express</WebDescription>
                    <CarrierName>StarTrack Express</CarrierName>
                    <ServiceName>Star Track Fixed Price Premium</ServiceName>
                    <WebDescription>Star Track Fixed Price Premium</WebDescription>

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