In OneFlo, click on the settings cog ⚙ in the top right hand corner of the page > Click Import Consignments
Step 2: Selecting the file
Please note: The file will need to be in a .csv format. Please use the attached template as it will make the next step easier
select First row in header > Click browse to select the file that is to be uploaded and
Step 3: Mapping the file
The page should look like this, though there could be some small differences:
The top section is for editing any errors:
And the bottom section is for mapping the headings. If there are any --Select File Column-- In the second column, click on the drop down boxes and match them to the first column appropriately:
Step 4: Importing the file
After mapping the file headers, click Import Data t the top of the screen.
This will take you to a new screen where, if there are any errors, they can be corrected here. Refresh the page after a while to see if any errors appear, or if they have processed. If there are a large number of consignments, this may take some time to process.
Clicking the green triangle will show what the errors are, if there are any.
This screen is where most of the errors can be fixed. For example, Receiver Location is invalid is because either the postcode or suburb is incorrect.